Blood Sugar Test, Hódmezővásárhely (Internal medicine) 1 clinics' services (63 Internist, 57 Gastroenterologist, 56 Dietetic, 58 Cardiologist, 56 Nephrologist, 56 Oncologist, 57 Pulmonologist, 56 Diabetologist)
Description, questions
Determining the level of glucose in the blood (glucose). Recognizable with diabetes (diabetes mellitus) and checked her blood glucose levels in diabetic patients. Blood glucose levels can be measured at any time of the day, but if it happens in non-fasting blood test, the result was influenced by the consumed without food, beverages and physical activity.
Dr. Károlyi Hortenzia belgyógyász-diabetológus
Internist Gastroenterologist Naturopathic doctor Dietetic Acupuncturist Cardiologist Nephrologist Oncologist Pulmonologist Homeopathic doctor Kinesiologist Diabetologist
6800 Hódmezővásárhely, Medgyessy F. 6/C.